
point of sale

.point of 'sale
also.point of 'purchasen [singular]
the place or shop where a product is sold
 Under the new law, cigarette advertising will only be allowed at the point of sale.
1. Everyone should agree on a meeting point outside of the area — perhaps in a town several miles away.

2. But as the paper moved from side to side under the pen point, its movement would be recorded in ink upon its surface.

3. But can the colossal cities of the future really function without overloading all their services to the point of collapse and destroying the environment through pollution of air and water?

4. But the next day in Leohmann's, on sale yet, I find a pair that are just as good.

5. C.You decide to present your point of view; you explain your reasoning seriously to your friend.

6. Before all the different types of Barbie dolls for sale now, there was just a single Barbie.

7. They have desks, sofas, bookcases and cabinets on sale.

8. This point has been made clear in the foregoing chapter.

9. The police chief was talking about the illicit sale of drugs.

10. This latter point was of great importance.
